20th September 2024

Search Cosby Parish Council

Cosby Parish Council Serving the people of Cosby

Cosby Primary School - Consultation

We wish to consult with you on proposed changes to Cosby Primary School.

The increase in the number of applications for pupils to attend the school, together with the forecasted increase in number on roll going forward, means that there is a need to increase the capacity of the school.

The expansion is required in order to meet the growing needs of Cosby and the surrounding villages.

The Local Authority has agreed to provide funding for Success Academy Trust to increase the net capacity of the school by 140 pupils to a net capacity of 420 pupils.

As numbers of pupils at the school increase, we will be able to provide single age classes throughout the school rather than continuing with the current need for mixed age classes.

Our proposal is:

 To permanently expand the school to increase the capacity from 280 to 420 pupils.

 To erect an extension to the existing building at the rear of the school to provide three additional classrooms.

 To provide additional places beginning from August 2023.

Comments regarding this consultation should be directed to consultation@cosby.school for consideration by our Governing Board and Trustees.

This consultation will close at noon on 4 th August 2022.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. T. Withers Headteacher