20th September 2024

Search Cosby Parish Council

Cosby Parish Council Serving the people of Cosby

Displaying 1 to 30 of 72

Income and Expenditure report December 2023

Minutes - Meeting of Cosby Parish Council 21st December 2023

Draft Minutes - Cosby Parish Council - 21st December 2023

Draft Minutes - Cosby Recreation Ground Charity 21st December 2023

Minutes - Cosby Parish Council - 16th November 2023

Agenda - Meeting of Cosby Parish Council 21st December 2023

Income & Expenditure Report - November 2023

Agenda - Meeting of Cosby Recreation Ground Charity 21st December 2023

Draft Minutes - Cosby Parish Council - 16th November 2023

Scames to watch out for

Income & Expenditure Report - October 2023

Minutes - Cosby Parish Council - 19th October 2023

Important information about Cosby Post Office, 67 Main Street, Cosby

Minutes - Victory Park and Playground Working Party 9th February 2023

Minutes - Victory Park and Playground Working Party 25th May 2023

Agenda - Cosby Parish Council 16th November 2023

Draft Minutes - Cosby Parish Council - 19th October 2023

Income & Expenditure Report - September 2023

Minutes - Cosby Parish Council - 21st September 2023

Agenda - Cosby Parish Council 19th October 2023

Publication Scheme November 2023

Draft Minutes - Cosby Parish Council - 21st September 2023

Income & Expenditure Report - July 2023

Income & Expenditure Report - August 2023

Minutes - Cosby Parish Council - 20th July 2023

Home Upgrade Grant - Green Living Leicestershire

Agenda - Cosby Parish Council meeting - 21st September 2023

Cosby Neighbourhood Development Plan

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2022-2023

Annual Governance and Accountability Report 2022-2023 (AGAR) Part 3